Rey Costume – Star Wars


What a wonderful world when the hero of one of my favorite Movie series is a female that my R1 wants to dress up as. #proudmomma.

So visit your local thrift store.

Find some calf high boots, tan, grey (preferably) or brown. Ours are black because they were a hand me down. But jedi’s generally don’t wear black.

Capri’s: tan, grey, cream or white.

Tunic: Adult women’s tank in tan, grey, cream. As long as it covers the butt a little.

Goggles: DIY make some


Arm covers: I have footless socks with jersy wrapped around and tacked down. but doesn’t hold up to lasting play and wash. I will get some old adult male socks and cut feet off to replace.

Belts: Find two narrow belts. Fasten the two ends together then wrap around waist and buckle again.

Jersey wrap: sorry guys I had this jersey as a hand me down. It is about 18″ wide and one piece that starts at the knee goes over the shoulder where it is gathered and stitched. Drape over the shoulder to the same knee in the back the loop to the front and over the opposite shoulder, gathered and stitched and down the back again. I tacked the cross in the front all to the tank top.

The head piece: More jersey wrapped in to a large infinity loop.

Rey blaster: above is the Nerf version. Fine and all, however the dart mechanism broke so quickly. Crushed darts, doesn’t fire. Boo. But if you want to repaint it. or 3D print one.

Rey Staff: Have yet to acquire. You can DIY one here or buy plastic one here.

Please let me know if this was helpful or if you have any questions.


About Rebecca

Rebecca is a seamstress and crafter who loves to create fun, unique and authentic items for her kids and others. She is a stay-at-home mom with two little ones. She and her husband are sci-fi and fantasy fans with a love for books like the Lord of the Rings and obscure movies like My neighbor Tortoro. Feel free to ask her a question or leave a comment.