Heart for Hearts Dolls and patterns!!

For Christmas my hubby and I decided that the popular 18″ dolls were too big for daily play and travel for our almost 6 year old. When I was younger my sister and I loved our perfect 16″ Mandy dolls that we both saved and gave our little one last year and a bunch of clothes we made for her using vintage patterns my mother saved. This year we decided on the much prettier and versatile (not to mention cheaper) dolls. They are called Heart for Hearts, each one is 14″, comes with a back story book, shoes, jewelery, earrings, and a HforH bracelet for your child. A small portion of your toy purchase helps children in these countries who are in need.

We got the Mosi doll, we also liked Nahji & Consuelos; my niece has Lauryce. So this website is awesome for free patterns, as well as this one. Not so free Patterns found here. Not free, but great ideas!

Pinterest has lots of great ideas, like: like the two below a Plate (I used a plate for the circle) dress pattern, Skirt Pattern, native American dress, fleece jumper, Now my hording scraps have a purpose!


I made some Pajamas for Mosi using this free online tutorial, using a pair of footie pajamas I saved from when my kiddo was 18moths. They were super cute plus the pattern size was perfect, and FREE. My next cool project for Mosi, plus it came with free embroideries.  IMG_8686logo  IMG_9019logo IMG_9020logo

About Rebecca

Rebecca is a seamstress and crafter who loves to create fun, unique and authentic items for her kids and others. She is a stay-at-home mom with two little ones. She and her husband are sci-fi and fantasy fans with a love for books like the Lord of the Rings and obscure movies like My neighbor Tortoro. Feel free to ask her a question or leave a comment.