The Toy Society

My First Submission for the Toy Society. This was a toy I made from a class drawing. I made a few too many. I love this Idea. Giving away your work. Especially if you Just can’t help but make more than you  know what to do with.
I planned on leaving him in the children’s section at the library, but I forgot him when I went. So he got left in a tree outside Ikea, in the family parking. Hope he goes to a good home.

Thanks Maria for giving him a good home!
About Rebecca

Rebecca is a seamstress and crafter who loves to create fun, unique and authentic items for her kids and others. She is a stay-at-home mom with two little ones. She and her husband are sci-fi and fantasy fans with a love for books like the Lord of the Rings and obscure movies like My neighbor Tortoro. Feel free to ask her a question or leave a comment.