I made these out of stiff green glitter felt. I cut a snow flake out of the center and reinforced it with clear thick plastic from the fabric store. I also used stiff white felt and made ornaments and glittered them in red. I also made some bows from striped ribbon. All hand stitched on. Nancy below has colored her hair green, but a green crown is just as fun and fancy.
Fancy Nancy: Christmas Crown
Filed Under: Christmas, Costumes Tagged With: christmas crown, fancy nancy

Rebecca is a seamstress and crafter who loves to create fun, unique and authentic items for her kids and others. She is a stay-at-home mom with two little ones. She and her husband are sci-fi and fantasy fans with a love for books like the Lord of the Rings and obscure movies like My neighbor Tortoro. Feel free to ask her a question or leave a comment.