Sleeping Beauty Dress

My niece wanted a Sleeping Beauty dress for her birthday. Since her birthday was coming up, I wanted to make her one. After looking at tons of pictures online, I decided the Sleeping Beauty dress didn’t look much different from the Cinderella and Snow White dresses. Unfortunately, there are some not-so-great knock off patterns on the market, none by Di-ny ofcourse. So, my plan was to use the pattern I already had on hand, Simplicity 2563. I drafted the other parts by hand.

I used a straight sleeve from this pattern, but drew up the over skirt and yoke. The final result? I think it turned out better than expected, and my niece absolutely loved it. Which is the joy of being the aunt to a 3-year old.

Aurora-blue   lepetitearbre.IMG_0682

Blue is better

I will post my patterns later for you to download or you can email me and I will send it to you.


About Rebecca

Rebecca is a seamstress and crafter who loves to create fun, unique and authentic items for her kids and others. She is a stay-at-home mom with two little ones. She and her husband are sci-fi and fantasy fans with a love for books like the Lord of the Rings and obscure movies like My neighbor Tortoro. Feel free to ask her a question or leave a comment.